VisaMetric in Kosovo Accused of Abuse With Germany Schengen Visa Services
Following reports and complaints from citizens of Kosovo regarding the services and payments made when applying for a Germany Schengen visa, the country’s Market Inspectorate decided to visit the management and carry out an inspection, AtoZSerwisPlus.de reports.
Not long after the inspection was carried out, the Inspectorate came out with an official statement saying that they had reviewed all the complaints from consumers. In addition, the inspectorate also ruled in favour of consumers, meaning that they encountered abuses during the inspection.
“The Market Inspectorate at MINT has reviewed all complaints received from consumers, has inspected the Economic Operator “VisaMetric” LLC in Prishtina, and has addressed all complaints received, ruling in favour of consumers,” the statement of the Inspectorate reads.
For the violations that have been found, the Inspectorate said that it had taken actions in accordance with the country’s current applicable laws. However, they did not disclose what measures they have taken to ensure that such violations will not occur again in the future.
In addition, the same emphasised that all those affected will be reimbursed and, at the same time, encouraged everyone to complain when encountering such violations.
“Considering that there may be a large number of citizens who seek services for applying for Schengen visas from Economic Operators, make payments that they consider unreasonable, or in other cases, perceive as violations of their rights, we encourage them to always contact the Department for Consumer Protection,” the Inspectorate added.
The Parliament of the European Union gave the green light on visa liberalisation with Kosovo earlier this month. The Parliament said that from the beginning of next year, citizens of Kosovo will be allowed to travel to the EU without having to obtain a visa for stays of up to 90 days in any 180-day period.
Nonetheless, until such a decision becomes fully effective, all citizens of Kosovo will continue to be required to obtain a Schengen visa before travelling to Germany or any other EU/Schengen Area country.
Kosovars applying for a Germany Schengen visa are required to submit several documents, including the visa application form, two passport photos, their passport, and a declaration.
Moreover, they also need to submit proof of having secured a place to stay in Germany, proof of having purchased travel health insurance, a roundtrip flight itinerary, proof of sufficient financial means, and proof of civil status, among others.