Legal Services in Nuremberg
Our lawyers in Germany put at your disposal a wide variety of professional legal services and assistance. Regardless of the legal issue that you encounter in your business activity as well as in your personal life, you will find in our law firm in Germany a trustworthy legal service, prompt, and able to provide personalized solutions to your particular requirements.
Establishment of a company in Nuremberg
For foreign investors as well as for the local ones the establishing procedure of a new company requires specialized help. The extension of the business activity in Nuremberg will imply the registration of your entity at the Nuremberg Register Office (Handelsregister). The preliminary steps for registration comprise the following tasks:
- • choosing the most suitable types of legal structure for your business, such as the limited liability company (GmbH) or the general partnership (OHG);
- • the elaboration of the articles of association;
- • opening a corporate bank account (which can host the minimum share capital required at the formation of a new company).
At any step of the establishing of your new company in Nuremberg, our attorneys in Germany are ready to help you gather and submit your documentation. They can also intermediate the legal procedures which involve contacting specific authorities, such as company domiciliation, accounting, and other connected services.
Mergers and acquisitions
The legal services provided by our law firm in Germany include as well the preparation and realization of merging and acquisition actions for your company. Working with our German lawyers is going to simplify and speed up the procedure. By the fast preparation of the documentation by our attorneys, your business activity should not be disrupted or delayed.
Arbitrations, mediations, and corporate litigations in Nuremberg
For those situations in which you will face a legal dispute in Nuremberg or in another German city, you can confidently call on our legal services of litigation and arbitration. Our lawyers are going to provide court representation, or if the issue can be settled easily, they can instead help you through the arbitration procedure. Our German law firm provides complete legal support in any situation that your company might be in at a certain moment.
Planning services and tax advice
Another important area in a company is tax planning. We can offer you a personalized adequate taxation plan for your company. By discussing with our German lawyers you can find out more specifically how to utilize tax minimization strategies in order to reduce your costs. Our attorneys can keep you updated on the changes in the taxation system and they can inform you as well on tax deduction opportunities so that you can maintain your revenues at a satisfactory rate.
Receiving licenses and permits
As long as you will need to obtain a special permit or a license in order to conduct your business in Nuremberg, you can rely on our lawyers that can help you obtain the needed authorizations in the shortest time possible, overpassing at the same time the inconveniences of bureaucracy.
Termination of business activities
In case you want to conclude your business activity, we invite you to rely on our law firm in order to settle the remaining aspects in a smooth manner.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our German law firm for any legal service in Nuremberg or in any other city of this country.